Friday, July 22, 2011


According to Joyce's standards I should probably give up blogging altogether seeing as it has been days since my last blog, but here we are.  Lots has happened since the last blog.  Mainly, a girls trip to Seattle that was fabulous but has since ended with me being ridiculously sick.  Like losing my voice, can't stop coughing, exhasuted, sleep all day kind of sick.  I'm not a great sick person, let me just throw that out there.  I'm the kind of sick person who calls their mother and asks her to bring them soup and cough drops.  Seeing as my mother is 3 hours away, that's not working out so well for me.  Although she did offer...I have the best mom.  Seriously, you have no idea, she's the best.

I don't know if it's the delirium from being sick or the fact that I just had a great visit but I'm seriously missing Seattle these days.  Tyler asks me almost every time I talk to him when I'm moving back and it's getting harder and harder to say never.  Don't get me wrong, I like Portland.  It was a good move for me.  Better job, better pay, close to good friends.  I think maybe that I just made the decision to move so quickly that I didn't think of the down side.  I miss seeing my nephews whenever I want to.  It's important to me to be able to watch them grow up.  That's pretty much the only reason I moved to Arizona.  I want to be there for all their moments, not just the big ones.  And I miss my friends.  You spend so much time with people over the years, you start to consider them family.  The boys, Kim, they're my family.  I miss them like crazy.  I never laugh as hard or as much as I do when I'm with them.

Who knows, maybe I will move back.  Maybe I'll stay in Portland and everything will turn out okay.  Or maybe I'll end up someplace completely unknown.  All I know right now is that being a grown up is a lot more confusing than they tell you...

1 comment:

  1. (I'm no better, but I've been at the blogging gig a lot longer so I'm entitled. Plus I'm old and boring. Well, not really old. Maybe I'm just taking a break from adventure.) I've been a wanderer my whole adult life, so I get the questioning of where next or should I go home (of course I never really miss family..). You're only 3 hours away from these people, though, so you might as well enjoy the adventure before you start getting set in your ways, saddle yourself with two cats (or, you know, get married and have kids like those other kinds of people do) and just can't be bothered to explore another city. Live life like you're telling a story while you can. It wasn't so long ago that I was 28 and thinking 45 was years and years away.. ;)
